New Player Info

We are Prime, the Men’ s Ultimate Frisbee Club at Arizona State University. We’re glad you’re interested in our team. You probably have a few questions about us, like…

So what is Ultimate, anyway?
Built on speed, agility, endurance, and toughness, ultimate is the fastest and most intense club sport offered at the college level.  Played on a football field, a team of 7 players advance a disc up the field against the opponent’s defense, passing to teammates to score a goal in the opponent’s endzone.

Wait…Ultimate is a club sport?
You better believe it is.  Just like other club sports, we represent ASU at tournaments all over the country.  When we’re not traveling, we practice multiple times a week doing drills, scrimmaging, and conditioning.  Our club is one of 700 college ultimate teams across the country that compete for a national championship in the spring.

Sounds cool…but I’ve never played.  What if I suck?
Can’t throw a disc to save your life?  It doesn’t matter – if you can run hard and play with intensity, you can contribute from day 1.  Believe it or not, throwing is only 10% of the game.  Almost all of our current players had never touched a disc before they came to college, and they’ll all tell you how easy it is to learn.  Whether you’ve never touched a frisbee before or you just won junior nationals with your high school team, there’s a spot for you. We’ll start with the basics, teaching throwing, cutting, and basic offense and defense and go from there.

ASU is a comprehensive public research university, measured not by whom it excludes, but by whom it includes and how they succeed

– Arizona State University Charter

Are there tryouts?
Yes (kind of)…
EVERYONE is welcome in the fall.  Since most of our players have never played before coming to college, the fall season is all about learning the sport and having a crazy good time together.

Then, our program splits into two teams for the spring season: Prime and Pleasure. Prime is our competitive A-Team that is aiming to win our section this coming April to qualify for the Southwest Regional Tournament. Tryouts will be in October to give everyone a shot to make Prime. Those who do not make the A-Team cut will make up the B-Team: Pleasure. The B-Team still plays in tournaments and travels to awesome places like the A-Team, just not as much.

Sweet! Where do I sign up?
We practice Monday and Thursday nights on the SDFC Intramural Field from 7:30-10:00pm.  Check out the Schedule page for more info and a map. Also, join our team discord on the Contact Us page to stay in the loop!

A Website.